Author Topic: TB/DRIFT + OROGENY  (Read 3857 times)


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« on: October 23, 2017, 09:10:05 am »
Glacial Cataclysm

Granitic and sedimentary rocks … were dredged up from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from a depth of 3,600 ft. They exhibited deep scratches and striations similar to those stones in “drift” formations commonly attributed to glacial action. However, in the same area there were found “some loosely consolidated mud stones”.... Together with many other geological and topographic formations on the bed of the Atlantic these mud stones were formed not underwater but in the open air, and must … date from a time when that portion of the ocean floor was above sea level.

Firstly, numerous marine shells, often of currently-existing species, lie at high elevations on several islands in Arctic Canada. They should have been pulverised had ice-sheets ever crept across those territories, for in no instance do they appear to have been deposited where they are now found since alleged Ice Age times.
Secondly, among the most telling details in this category are the numerous enclaves of unglaciated territory within regions which, glacialists long argued, supposedly lay under thick, continuous ice-sheets, not once but on several successive occasions.

… Initially it might be considered reasonable to expect the end of an Ice Age to herald warmer conditions, but widespread investigations have shown that the reverse actually happened: temperatures generally fell as the effects attending the termination of the Younger Dryas episode were experienced globally. Sea-surface temperatures, for example, dropped in the North Atlantic, in the western North Pacific, in the South China Sea and even in the tropical Sulu Sea between the Philippines and northern Borneo, where marine cores indicate a “pronounced cooling of surface waters during Younger Dryas times” in tandem with an increased summer monsoonal regime in central China. Late Pleistocene sediments in deep-sea cores obtained from the bed of the central North Atlantic contain the remains of planktonic foraminifera, which collectively exhibit faunal patterns [that] show a former mixing of top and bottom ocean-water layers ten times faster that the speed … of glacial and interglacial episodes.... [Similar patterns were found in cores from the Caribbean basin.] … Effects of changes like these were widespread [as] around Hudson Bay, across Atlantic Canada and in the northeastern USA, and occurred even as far south as South America and Antarctica.

Particularly interesting and certainly perplexing is the well-established fact that many allegedly glaciated hills and mountains in the northern hemisphere are scored and striated from top to bottom on their northern sides only. In North America this remarkable condition is quite common. … Of further relevance is the fact that deposits of gravel and other “drift” materials sometimes occur only on the northern and north-western flanks of hills, in some instances showing every indication of having been actually plastered up against the hillsides with great force. Many cases of this occur on both sides of the Atlantic. In Labrador, for example, “erratic” boulders have been rammed into hillsides apparently with much violence.
    Large “erratic” boulders in the Sahara Desert, on the Mongolian plains, and in subtropical Uruguay constitute a parallel anomaly. And when it is discovered that it is possible to produce rock striae like those usually attributed to ice action by such dissimilar agents as drift-sand, fast-moving [flows from volcanoes], snow, mudslides and high pressure grit-charged steam, we are obliged to seriously question.

The carapace of a tortoise twenty feet long was found [in the Siwalik Hills north of Delhi]. The Etephas ganesa an elephant species found [there], had tusks about fourteen feet long and over three feet in circumference.